Thursday, November 21, 2019

Name and describe the stages of the human life cycle. How are these Essay - 3

Name and describe the stages of the human life cycle. How are these stages different from what is seen in our closest relatives - Essay Example Once he exits from mother’s womb he grows, develops teeth and even start walking and by one year it is called as an infant. After this phase baby who is a toddler now enters into childhood usually upto10 years. He develops new skills, behavior and starts socializing. These 10 years are the most important years in the personality development of an individual. Next he enters into adolescence which takes place between 12-18 years. This is when both genders start becoming sexually aware as puberty is reached. They start separating from parents and become more independent. Then begins the stage of adulthood which starts from eighteen years onwards till one reaches an old age. This is when human beings are grown completely and utilize their skills to do work. During this phase they might give birth to another life. Adults do not grow further but they should look after their health and fitness to live a good life. At the end of this phase body starts to deteriorate and become weak th is is when a man becomes old (Bravy). Each stage provides a special gift. Pre birth is the phase that gives the gift of potential of what one will become when it will come to life. Birth brings hope to parents that their child will bring good to this world. Infancy is an energetic phase . Early, middle and late childhood is full of playfulness, imagination and cleverness. Adolescence is a phase of passion which is fallowed by early, middle, mature late adulthood in which an individual is enthusiastic to achieve his goals, ambitious, full of wisdom and responsible. Then comes the old age followed by death which teaches every individual that one should live life to its fullest and contribute to this world in the best manner. Thus every stage of life provides humanity with a unique gift. Every human being should be a source of happiness to other, we should take care of each others needs and requirement, rich should help

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